Mental health is emotional, psychological and social well being.

So what affects the mind? Biological factors such as our


  • Genes
  • Family history
  • Life experiences

During these trying times it is even more important to talk about mental health without stigma.

Little to no energy, feeling tired all the time, aches and pains, pulling away from friends and usual activities, eating or sleeping too much or too little, smoking, using alcohol and drinks more than usual, feeling helpless or hopeless, thinking of harming others or self, inability to perform usual tasks are some of the things one can experience.

A healthy mindset is a key factor for a healthy body

What are some of the ways to hack your mind to better oneself-  physical activity releases endorphins and makes you feel happier, lower sugar in your diet as it is very addictive, meditate and working on mental muscle strength, gratitude journaling to sleep better, being optimistic and having a SMART goal to have a purpose in life and most of all.

Just remember you are not along.

Laughter is the best medicine

Mental health checklist and gratitude journal

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June 30, 2020 0 Comments 1 tag

What Is Depression? Depression is more than just a sad feeling Depression brings intense feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness, where you cannot perform normal day to day activities These feelings, can